Miron Fest
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40 Years of Throughput Computing: A Celebration!

When: Tuesday, June 3 at 2 pm.

Where: Memorial Union Great Hall on the campus of the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

What: Celebrate with retrospective stories, remarks and reflections followed by a cocktail reception. Speakers include Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, Jim Basney, Ewa Deelman, Helge Meinhard, Manish Parashar, Rajesh Raman, Guri Sohi, Douglas Thain, Frank Würthwein and more.

Forty years ago, the first Condor job ran at the University of Wisconsin. Since then, it has been deployed on all continents of the world, has given rise to the idea of "High Throughput Computing", and has been used to power discovery over a wide range of disciplines. Twenty years ago, the OSG ran its first job, extending "High Throughput Computing" into "Distributed High Throughput Computing".

RSVP here by May 22

Miron Fest