This page is deprecated, visit the HTCondor download page for updated instructions.

Install Instructions

EL7 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, CentOS 7, Scientific Linux 7)

  1. Setup the repositories
    1. Install EPEL repository (as the root user or use sudo)
      yum install -y
    2. Install the HTCondor repository (as the root user or use sudo)
      yum install -y
  2. Install HTCondor (as the root user or use sudo)
    yum install -y minicondor # or condor
    The minicondor is preconfigured for a single node pool. The condor package, for a multi-node pool, requires additional configuration to become functional - please see the HTCondor Manual.
  3. Start it running (as the root user or use sudo)
    systemctl start condor # starts HTCondor now via systemd, or do "condor_master" without systemd
    systemctl enable condor # Make HTCondor start automatically via systemd when booting
  4. Check that it is running (as a normal user)
    condor_q # Should list out the jobs in the pool
    condor_status # Should list out the nodes in the pool
    You may also check HTCondor's systemd status (as the root user or use sudo)
    systemctl status condor

Instructions on how to install other Linux distributions can be found on the Install Instructions page.