Software News

New HTCondor Version Scheme

September 22, 2021

Starting with HTCondor 9.2.0, HTCondor will adopt a new version scheme to facilitate quicker patch releases. The version number will still retain the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH form with slightly different meanings.

  • The MAJOR number increments for each new Long Term Support (LTS) release. A new LTS release may have backward-incompatible changes and may require updates to configuration files. The current LTS release is 9.0.6. The next one will be 10.0.0.

  • The MINOR number increments during the development of new features. This number stays at 0 for LTS releases. The current release is 9.2.0.

  • The PATCH number increments when we have targeted fixes. If there is a specific need to be addressed before 9.3.0 is tested and ready, we would issue a 9.2.1 patch release. Patch releases for the LTS are fully reviewed and tested for a seamless upgrade.

These releases will be served out of three repositories.

  • The LTS release and its patches (X.0.Z) are in the existing Stable channel.
  • The development releases (X.Y.0) are in the existing Current channel.
  • A new Updates channel will contain development patch releases (X.Y.Z).